I touched down in Alanta early last week sometime. Since i've been back my main priority has been searching for and obtaining a job. I must say that i've been doing a pretty damn good job at doing so. I have been living in my slacks, steve maddens and ties-sometimes a bow tie. I have been getting my nutrition from the stacks of my resumes that i have at hand. I have been waking up with my face pressed against my keyboard, with Mr. Craigslist starring me in my face early in the morning. I must admit i have had my moments of feeling discouraged: 'black' man in ameriKKKa without a job. I have, as I always have had, my mother to feed me the words of encouragemet and keep me going. So after these 8 days that have felt more like a few months I may have just ran into a break. So i'm all smiles over this way-deservenly so, might I ad.
--School is cool, but a Career is better...
Although my number one mission has been getting a job, I have been trying to spend time with the few friends I have here in the land of Oz. Friends...an interesting concept. Well I have five friends here that I was in school with. We have all been pursuing our career, chasing our dreams, and grinding hard.... SO I THOUGHT. Since ive been back I have noticed that not everyone is stepping up to the plate. This is something that i knew..but I just assumed that since I am serious about the words i speak into my life, that everyone els would be as well...NOT! I have changed that original number of five friends to three. Why? This was done because I don't associate myself, intentionally, with people who are not doing anything with life. Especially my people of color. It gets to me when i see young black men and women sitting around accomplishing nothing. I say this becauase I have been living under the old words: blacks have to work twice as hard as our white counterparts just to be seen as half as good. We have enough steriotypes floating around about us, and new ones surfacing daily[thanks ameriKKKan media]. So i hate seeing people proving these true. Especially people who call themselve my friends.
I am working on something big-ME, the future. The relationships i have now has got to be able to benefit me in the future. Im not sure if I sound shallow to some but I could care less at this point. I have some successes under my belt, but I will not allow them to have me walking around like I've made it already. So thats why I have changed that number to THREE from five. If im out here grinding, trying to make my name known and putting in the work why wouldnt I expect the same from the company I keep? The sad thing about the sitiuation is that the two that i have let go are smart, beautiful, talented BLACK women. Who happen to also be Lazy and filled with excuses, looking for handouts..handouts that I am just NOT willing to give...
Thanks for stopping by my ole blog. Good luck with the job search!
Dam I know thats right ...shorty cut it from 5 to 3. Hey you gotta do what you must. This train is bound for glory. Hell they betta jump on the band wagon and get it together. Time waits for no one. Lol @ Mr Craigslist starring me in my face early in the morning.
And talk about lazy ass friends and hand outs. I have a friend who got laid off in march and has been collecting unemployment every since then. It irks my nerves lol How can someone wanna sit around and do nothing and get a check for lil or nothing. I just cant do it lol ...Im MONEY HUNGRY
Good Post and thanks for stopping by my spot
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