The time is now a little after 5:3o in the am. Today was a long day starting early in the morning, me sleeping well. I woke up on the right side of the bed and everything, all felt good until I tried to call my mother then T.Mobile slapped me right in the face with a phone services is disconnected recording...smh. Needless to say I was hella pissed. This has never happened to me, and this was not my fault, that makes it that much more irritating. Take a note folks, this is why you dont have anyone els on your line BUT YOU. && family are some of those people that you dont let on your line. They are the reason I cannot make outgoing calls until further notice-very embarassing.
Later on in the day a good good friend of mines invited me out to a nice dinner for her birthday. It was a very nice and intimate affair at the chinese bistro P.F. Chang's. Laughter and spring rolls, and can someone please tell me whats the difference between egg rolls and spring rolls? If its the obvious answer that one has egg in it and the other dosent im going to scream...lol. Our waitress Karyn was quite a character, take Angelina Jolie-Pitt's looks and the personality of a saturday morning cartoon character. She was so ditzy and funny, had us laughin all night-and not intentionally, she was just really that funny. If you ever get to P.F. Chang's please request Karyn and you'll see why.
After dinner was over and the long ass highway ride[that wouldve been much shorter had we've just taken i75 like I suggested but im over it...]. I got a call to come up to Blake's so that I could roll on the floor laughing my ass off. && when i reached Blake's..boy did I laugh. There were so many fools and drag queens performing like you wouldnt believe...lol. I took a small cup of vodka and coke and the fun was amplified[Now in case i havent stated it already, I am not a drinker or smoker, i can hold my liquor but the instances where i drink are few and far between] We did meet a really cool guy though. He lives in Macon and graduated from my University. He impressed me with his moves on the dance floor. && I have to admit it's only because of the steriotype that white men have no rythm-oh yeah he was white.
Honestly ALOT happened at Blake's as well as the last few days since ive posted. In short-im sure there're things im going to skip over and possibly touch on in a later post. There was an unusually packed house tonight[unusual for me even though this is a new spot for me]. I've been working on the University work and getting financial aid moved around-major headache but should be worth it come graduation day. Mr. Rico and I have been doing some talking all has been pretty good, we both lead relatively hectic lives as it relates to spending quality time with one another-we're still learning each others schedules. We just got off of the phone during the start of this post and he's going to come and spend the day with me.
Not too much more to report, well there may be much more. im just a lil tired and the sun is playing peek-a-boo with my eyes, either that or the liquor was stronger than I thought it was.
Good Morning
1 comment:
Both have eggs in it. LOL. The difference is the wrapper. Egg rolls have thicker wrapper (wonton), and spring rolls have thinner and flakier wrapper (rice paper). Egg rolls are usually bigger than spring rolls. Spring rolls are what you find in Asian countries, egg rolls more so a westernized version.
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