Last night was a good one indeed. I attended a social event, artisit of all types piled into the venue. It was nothing short of fantastic. I was impressed by all the work that adorned the walls and the different types of artist that came out-I was expecting only a specific type[shame on me right]. We[two of THE flyest socialites, and I] strolled in a lil later than expected. Atlantas weather must've been upset with everyone yesterday. The entire day was gloomy, with rain and dark clouds and the night got worst before it got better. Reguardless of that there was a wonderful turn out. I've been really good at spotting the real vs. the fake when it comes to talent-huh? you ask. Well last night, while lounging in VIP, we were approached by this very flamboyant woman. She was giving us this grand story of plans for the future and projects in the works, all the while im minding my own, getting into the live music. Everything she was trying to sell me on initially sounded alright in the beginning...UNTIL she continued to talk.
I started picking apart her stories, just in normal questions. The one thing that really stood out to me with her was all of the things she claimed to have been doing with this website and these playlist and this trend forcasting etc. etc. blah. blah blah. etc. So I asked her what was her url. She paused breifly then ignored my question and continued with the conversation. Now it was not my intent to embarass her, I was merely looking for some clarity, some understanding if you will. I feel that if you are actually living behind your words and arent lying then there should be no problem. Well I proceeded to ask more in depth questions about her plans. I simply asked her "Well what is your domain name"-same question as earlier just worded differently. && she tells me, with this look of disgust on her face, "Im just to busy to do all that right now" MIND YOU, a domain name is rougly between 10 and 12 dollars, and can be purchased and set up on an average of 10minutes. & in this day and age there're many ppl with blogs and twice as many with websites. So I, seeing what i'd done-embarassing her in front of everyone [purely accidental], ask her does she have a card then. Well she pulls out her business card and I notice that all that appears on her card is: one singular word-nightlife and her myspace url.
It took everything in my not to burst out in laughter.

You're so busy that you cannot take out 10 dollars and 10 minutes of your life to purchase an actual website but you can order business cards. that have nothing but a myspace url printed on them. When she passed them out...smh I just about fell over where I stood. I had to remove myself from the sitiuation, there were too many other people who actually had priorities and talent in order. I spent the rest of the night making small talk and exchanging contact information. All went well.

Sleep came about: 4:3o-ish [am.]
myspace!!! That's just priceless!
Yea she was talkn all that shit an the way she promotes herself is thru a myspace link/email ...then turns about an has the shit printed on a business card...how tacky lol....I would have put her on blast aswell....yo those sneakers is fire...are those dickies or converses?? I need to add those to my collection. dam I know u was tired 430ish dammm I'm was drunk an passed out lol
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