au•ton•o•mous : ...well, i like slow music and vibrant paintings
HIM: lol
au•ton•o•mous : moving backwards in a sea of everyone moving foward
au•ton•o•mous : cant be engulfed in the bullshit that life throws at you
au•ton•o•mous : so i find solice in being alone
au•ton•o•mous : many friends = many issues.
au•ton•o•mous : unnecessary
au•ton•o•mous : but i digress
au•ton•o•mous : whatre you doing
HIM: talking to u pa
au•ton•o•mous : oh okay
HIM: so whats ur favorite part on a males body that u just love
au•ton•o•mous : well let me know if i got to far of in left feild
au•ton•o•mous : fav part
au•ton•o•mous : that i just love.
au•ton•o•mous : in thE males physical body?
au•ton•o•mous : or the male overall
HIM: ummm both
au•ton•o•mous : well the male body physically...
au•ton•o•mous : id have to say ...
au•ton•o•mous : that i cannot say
au•ton•o•mous : theres not a one location on a males physical body
au•ton•o•mous : that i can claim as my favorite
au•ton•o•mous : the males physical body in itself is a blessing to me
au•ton•o•mous : something to be cherished.
au•ton•o•mous : much like with being intimate
au•ton•o•mous : you cannot
au•ton•o•mous : well I cannot just focus on one part, the penis the ass the mouth
au•ton•o•mous : it would be like...
au•ton•o•mous : looking at a painting
au•ton•o•mous : split in half
au•ton•o•mous : how can you appreciate the piece how it was intended if you are only seing half
au•ton•o•mous : half of what the artist had in mind
au•ton•o•mous : thats the physical
au•ton•o•mous : but as far as the overall. i can say that i dont have a favorite
au•ton•o•mous : but there are certain things that i like
au•ton•o•mous : one of which being the mans capacity for love
au•ton•o•mous : a man steriotypically is afraid to show emotion
au•ton•o•mous : so when a man actually does show his feelings
au•ton•o•mous : however good or bad it is and should be memorable
au•ton•o•mous : the capasity that we have for love as an umbrella of emothioss
au•ton•o•mous : the sense of protection
au•ton•o•mous : even a quote unquote "bottom" has the sense of aggressive protection for his mate
au•ton•o•mous : and his security
au•ton•o•mous : not always looking to be taken care of , as women are[steriotypically anyways]
au•ton•o•mous : ill stop there
au•ton•o•mous : ...
HIM: wow!!
au•ton•o•mous : wow?
HIM: you can go on forever..u just bacame THAT MUCH MORE sexy to me***..I think I love ur mind., and the way u think
au•ton•o•mous : well thank you so much for listening, and posing the initial question
HIM: no problem , it's just a question
HIM: lol
au•ton•o•mous : it wasnt
au•ton•o•mous : not many ppl even care
au•ton•o•mous : nor act like they
au•ton•o•mous : or if they ask its about sex
HIM: ive posed that question before to several men..and ur answer was by far the best i've ecer received